
魅力一中 辉煌卓著


发布时间:2015-05-07 05:57:32浏览次数:2807
1. 地沟油      英文说法:gutter oil   Gutter释义: the low part at the edge of a road where water collects and flows away.   作为食品安全的典型代表,你是否对它深恶痛绝?gutter一次足以让所有老外都明白这种油有多恶心。   例句:Be careful, gutter oil is usually used in hotpots.   2. 过期肉      英文说法:expired meat   Expired释义: When something such as a contract,deadline, or visa expires, it comes to an end or is no longer valid.   我们一度以为西式食品会更加安全一些,但是“过期肉”事件让我们知道天下奸商的心都一样黑。   例句:Eat less fast food, because they may be made of expired meats.   3. 塑化剂      英文说法:plasticizer   Plasticizer释义: additives that increase the plasticity or fluidity of a material.   曾经的我们都爱喝奶茶,如今的我们都害怕塑化剂。口感和卖相真的比健康还重要?   例句:Some people put plasticizer in the milk tea. It’s very bad for your health.   4. 假羊肉      英文说法:fake lamb   Fake释义: made to look like a real material orobject in order to deceive people.   路边的羊肉串曾是多少人的最爱,但是谁知道我们吃进去的是坏肉、猫肉甚至是鼠肉?   例句:I don’t want to eat street BBQ, because they may use fake lamb made of rat or cat meat.   5. 生长激素      英文说法:growth hormone   Hormone释义: a chemical substance produced byyour body that influences its growth, development, and condition.   据说快餐店的一只鸡从出生到成熟只需要一两个月?是真是假华生不知,但激素难说不存在。   例句:Some farms use growth hormone to feed chickens.   6. 毒牛奶      英文说法:toxic milk   Toxic释义:containing poison, or caused by poisonous substances.   如果说地沟油是最大的食品安全问题,那么毒牛奶排在第二是没什么问题了,这也让出国买奶粉成为了潮流。   例句:China was hit by another toxic milk scandal in 2011.   7. 抗生素      英文说法:antibiotic   Antibiotic释义: a drug that is used to kill bacteria and cure infections.   抗生素和激素哪个更可怕?这么说,如果你吃了太多抗生素鸡,产生了太多耐药性,以后生病就只能听天由命了。   例句:Eating too much chicken with antibiotics will lead to a resistance to antibiotic medicines.   8. 转基因食品      英文说法:GM food   GM释义:genetically modified, change the genetic structure artificially, to produce more fruit or not to be affected by disease.   转基因食品是否真的有害需要时间和科学来验证,但目前大部分人都不喜欢过多食用转基因食品。   例句:I don’t want to eat GM food, but I’m already eating it every day.   9. 瘦肉精      英文说法:lean meat powder   Lean meat释义:lean meat does not have much faton it.   现在的人都不敢吃肥肉,这就让瘦肉精有机可乘了?华生觉得还是肥瘦相间的五花肉最棒,精瘦的肉反而不好吃。   例句:By feeding pigs lean meat powder, farmers can get more toxic lean meat from pigs.   10. 辣条      英文说法:spicy gluten   Gluten:a sticky protein substance that is found in wheat flour.   或许这是最富有中国特色的“毒物”了,诱惑十足也危险十足。鲜辣美味背后是什么添加剂?吃一点怀旧即可,不要贪吃。   例句:Eating too many spicy glutens might be harmful to your health.   看完这篇文章,您有何感想呢?
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