
魅力一中 辉煌卓著

英语中考复习资料系列(句法 二)

发布时间:2020-04-15 04:22:00浏览次数:28307

二、 从 句


(一)定义 :在复合句中由从句表示的状语称作状语从句,它可以用来修饰谓语(包括非谓语动词)、定语或状语,或是整个句子。









1. 时间状语从句 

When  ---当……时候, 通常指某一特定的时间点,主句与从句的动作同时发生。

When I opened the window, Isaw him come up.

When --- 正在……的时候,突然…。通常主句是进行时或     be about to 时,在翻译的时候,when 可以译成没想到或突然。I waswalking along the street , when I met him.

When 当从句是进行时,主句是一般时,往往表示不满。Someone knocked at the door when I was having breakfast. 

When=afterWhen the childrenhad gone to bed, she began to prepare her lessons.

While ---在……期间,往往指一段时间。While wewere inAmerica, we saw him twice. 

While ---表示一种不满情绪,意思是这边在干某种重要的事,而另一边在享受等。We are cleaning the classroom while they are playing the football.

As --- 一边……一边, 随着She was doing her homework as she was listening to the music. 

As --- 当……时,指一个动作紧接着一个动作发生,从句通常用进行时。As I was going out, it began to rain. 

The moment --- 一……就…… =as soon as , immediately,---Did you remember to give Mary themoney you owed her?---Yes, I gave her the moment I saw her. 

Not… until --- 直到……才He didn’t leave the office until he finished the work. 

Before --- 在……之前The passengers should arrive at the airport an hour before theflight departs. 

After --- 在…… 之后The customerleft the ticket counter after he had a quarrel with the ticket agent.

Since ---自从……, 通常主句用现在完成时I have never been there again since I graduated from theuniversity.It is just a week since we arrived here.         

As soon as --- 一……就……Jack went to school as soon as he got well. 

No sooner than --- 一……就……no sooner…than… 用于句首要求倒装

Hardly …when…Scarcely …when…No sooner had he arrived than he went away again. 

Once  --- 一但……就……Once you see him, you will never forget him. 

Every time, each time 每次whenever 每当Each time he came to town, he would visitour school. 


2. 条件状语从句 

引导状语从句的连接词有:If如果, unless除非, as long as只要, As (so) far as --- 据……所知,in case万一, provided that假如, on condition that若是,以…为条件 

If ---如果If you don’t hurry up, you will miss theplane. 

Unless --- 如果不, 除非=if notWe can’t get there on time unless we book the earliest flight 

As long as --- 只要We will succeed as long as we keep ontrying. 

As (so) far as --- 据……所知As far as I know,he speaks English very well. 

In case --- 假使, 如果The plane cannottake off in case it rains.

Provided that 如果,有时省略 thatTheplane will be in good condition provided that it is taken care of carefully.

On condition that --- 条件是…He saidthat he would come to the meeting on condition that no one asked him to speak. 

注:主从句的动作发生在将来时,则主句用将来时, 从句用一般现在时。If he arrives tomorrow, I will bewaiting for him at the airport.


3. 地点状语从句 

地点状语从句只有两个连词: Where, wherever 

Where --- 在……地方Where there is a will, there is a way. 

Wherever --- 无论哪里Whereveryou are, I will be right there waiting for you. 


4. 原因状语从句 

because, as, since, now that, 和consideringthat, seeing that 这六个连词都用于表示表示原因, 但在语气上一个比一个弱. 

Because --- 因为,通常从句放在主句后.Mr Smithwas very upset because he couldn’t find his luggage. 

As --- 因为, 通常放在句首As he ishonest and modest, all his friends like him. 

Since ---既然 因语气较弱, 常译为既然(众所周知的原因)Sinceeverybody has come, we can set off. 

Now that --- 既然Now that you are here, you can join us. 

considering that --- 顾及到Considering that they are just beginners,they are doing quite a good job. 

seeing that --- 由于Seeing (that) quite a few people wereabsent, we decided to put the meeting off.


5. 结果状语从句 

引导结果状语从句的连词有:that, so that, so…that…

such…that  So… that --- 太……以至于 so 后面应用形容词或副词,有时省略so只用thatBoeing 747 is solarge that people like to call it jet bomb喷气炸弹. 

So that --- 因而,以便,为了 有时so可以省去Speak louder please so that the people at the backcan hear you. 

Such …that… ---太……以至于 用法与so…that相同,但such后面应用名词。The foreign visitor was such a fast speaker thatnobody could understand him.


6. 目的状语从句 

引导目的状语从句的主要连词有: that, so that, in orderthat, for fear that, lest

(So) that --- 以便, 从句中常常使用一些情态动词,如:can, could, may, might, should等Let’s takethe front seats (so) that we may see more clearly. 

in order that --- 为了, 与so that  相同从句中常常使用一些情态动词,如:can, could, may, might, should等School wasclosed early in order that the children might go home ahead of the storm.

for fear that --- 生怕; 为了防止(某事发生)He took the name down for fear that he should forget it.  

in case  --- 万一You shouldbring a dictionary in case you need it. 

Lest --- 以防万一The man decided to tell his boss the fact lest hewould be angry with him. 


7. 让步状语从句

引导让步状语从句的连词有:Although, though, as, evenif, even though, no matter, however, whatever, while, whether.

Although, though ---虽然 although  和though 可以互换,但although 常放在句首。Though可以用于倒装。Although it was raining, the plane managed to take off.Though he didhis best, he didn’t succeed. 

As --- 尽管  as 引导让步状语从句时,句子通常倒装。可与though 互换。Busy as he is, he never misses a football match. 

Even if /even though ---即使Even if you don’t like your boss, you shoulddo your work. 

However --- 不论, however 引导让步状语从句时,句子通常倒装He couldn’t get there on time however fast he drove. 

No matter (what, when, where,how) ---无论(什么,何时,何地,怎样)He wouldn’t forgive me no matter how hard I begged him. 

Whatever --- 不管Whatever other people may say, she won’t change hermind. 

While ---尽管While I have sympathy for you, I can’t help you. 

Whether ---不管,常与or not 连用Whetherhe is good or not, the company decided to send him abroad. 


8. 方式状语从句

方式状语从句常由: as,  as if,  asthough 

as ---与…… 一样Do in Rome as the Romans do. 

as if, as though --- 仿佛, 由as if或 as though引导的从句中可用虚拟语气She stood at the dooras if (=as though) she were waiting for someone.





从句如果表时间,when, after等放前面。



目的结果so that, 比较用than记心间。





when, while, as,before,after, since

whenever, as soon as,till/until,not …until


if, unless




so that, in order that


so…that, such…that


though/although, even if,whatever,


than, as …as,not as/so …as


where, wherever


1. 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,当主句是将来时或含有情态动词或是祈使句时,从句要用一般现在时表将来,即“主将从现”。

2. 引导词的正确选择以及when,while, as的用法区别。

3. when, if引导状语从句和宾语从句时态的区别。

4. so …that与such…that的区别以及与too…to, enough to之间的同义句转换。

5. than, as …as, notas/so …as的用法。


1. He doesn’t tell mewhen he will come. I’ll call you as soon as he comes. 他没有告诉我什么时候来,他一来我就会给你打电话的。

2. I don’t know if hewill come tomorrow. If he comes, I will let you know. 我不知道他明天是否来,如果他来,我会让你知道的。

3、You won’t pass the exam if you don’t work hard. =Youwon’t pass the exam unless you work hard. 如果你不努力学习,你将不能通过考试。

4. He got up early thismorning so that he could catch the early bus. =He got up early this morning inorder to catch the early bus. 他今天早上早起是为了赶早班车。

5. The apples are so high thatI can’t reach them. =The apples are too high for me to reach. 苹果太高了以致于我够不到。



(一)定义 :在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句。

(二)连接词 :that:  I think that you can pass theexam.Whether/if: I don’t know what the word means.“Wh”:  I don’t know what the word means.I don’t knowwhere he found the book. 

只用whether的情况:1. 与or not连用:I don’t know whether it’s raining or not.2. 与动词不定式连用:He doesn’t know whether to accept the invitation.3. 连接词前有介词时:It depends on whether he is coming.


1. 主句是一般现在时态,从句根据实际情况而定(各种时态均可)She wants to know what he hasdone for the exam. 

2.主句是一般过去时态,从句用相应的过去的时态。1)She saidthat she was a student.2)She said that she would fly toJapan in a week.3)She said that she had finished herhomework already.

3. 如果宾语从句说的是客观真理、自然现象或事实时,这时宾语从句要用一般现在时态。The teacher saidthat the earth goes round the sun. 













that:       陈述句(可省略)

if/whether:  一般疑问句

疑问词:  特殊疑问句







1. He said, “The sunrises in the east.”

→He said (that) the sun rises in theeast.

2. “How did Lilygo to school?” Could you tell me?

→Could you tell me how Lily went toschool?

3. He asked me, “Have youbeen to Beijing?”

→He asked me if/whether I had been toBeijing.

4. I don’t knowwhether you like the present or not.

5. I don’t know how Ishould do it.(宾语从句)

=I don’t know howto do it.(简单句)

 I don’t know what I should do.

=I don’t know whatto do.


由think, believe, suppose, expect等动词引导的宾语从句,如果从句的谓语动词是否定的含义,要将否定形式转换到主句。我们通常称之为“否定转移”。


He isn’t right. Ithink.

→ I don’t think(that) he is right.



)定义 :在复合句中修饰名词、代词的从句叫定语从句。

)先行词 :先行词指人  who /that,先行词指物  which/ that,定语从句一般紧跟被修饰的名词或代词(即先行词)后



(四)翻译方法  “…. 的” 

Whom: 先行词指人,则代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语(包括介词的宾语), 与who的区别是如果前面带介词则必须用whom
1. This is the teacher whomwho we like best.2. I don’t like the boy to whom youare talking. 

Whose : 指人或物,作定语,表示 “…的”eg:Harry is the boy whose mother is our math teacher. 

关系代词只能 that 的特殊情况: 

1.先行词前有序数词修饰时:Thisis the first gift that my parents bought me.

2.先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时:This is the most exciting film that I have ever seen.

3. 先行词是不定代词something, anything等时.e.g.  Is there anything that you want in this shop 

4.  先行词是人和物时, 用that.e.g.He talked about some writers and books that were unknown to us all.  

5. 先行词被all ,little , the only , the very(就是,正是), the last 等词修饰时,只能用thate.g.  This is the last place that Iwant to visit. 

6. 特殊疑问句以who 或which 开头,只能用that引导.Whois the girl that is making a speech on the platform? 

当关系代词前使用介词时:物+介词+which ;  人+ 介词 + whom

当关系代词前使用介词时:e.g.  1. This is the train by which we went toBeijing.2. This is the teacher to whom my mother is talking.




1. 关系代词引导的定语从句

(1) 巧记定语从句中关系代词的用法



指人要用who或whom, “谁的”whose名词前。

表示某物用which, that人、物可双兼。



人:that, who,主语、表语、宾语(可省略),whom作宾语,通常跟在介词后

物:that, which,主语、表语、宾语




物:when时间状语,where地点状语,the reason why原因状语


★ 关系代词which, that, who在定语从句中作主语时,从句中谓语动词的人称、数必须与先行词保持一致。


★ These are my books which/that werebought by my teacher. 这些就是我的老师买给我的书。

【解析】 先行词为books,表示物,故可以用that或which; 而先行词books为复数,故动词用were而不用was.

★ The classroom whose windows werebroken is ours. 窗户被打破的那个教室是我们的。(后有名词windows)

(2) that和which表示物的用法区别


that, which可互换,下列情况勿照办。






(1)只能用that的情况:先行词是all, few, little, only, no, any,all,nothing, everything等词时。










★ All who heard the story were amazed.


★ This is the most beautiful picturethat you have ever drawn. 这是你所画的最漂亮的图画。(最高级用that)

★ The first thing (that) we should dois to learn all the subjects well. 我们应该做的第一件事是学好所有的学科。(有序数词)

2. 关系副词引导的定语从句

(1) 关系副词when的基本用法

关系副词when修饰表示时间的名词(如day, month, year, last night等),在从句中作时间状语。意义上相当于一个介词加which(如on which, in which等)。

如果先行词是上述表示时间的名词,可能用which/that, 也可能用when, 关键看它在从句中所作的成分,只有作时间状语时才能用when, 而作主语、宾语、表语时要用which/that. 如:

★ August is a hot month when (=inwhich) I was born. 我出生的八月是一个很热的月份。

【解析】先行词为August, 而wheh在定语从句中作时间状语。

★ I will never forget the days when(=on which) we got together. 我永远忘不了我们一起的日子。

【解析】先行词为days, 表时间,when在定语从句中作时间状语.

(2) 关系副词where的基本用法

关系副词where修饰表示地点的名词,在句中充当地点状语,意义上也相当于一个介词加which. 如:

★ I’m going tovisit the city where Jim was born. 我打算去参观吉姆出生的那个城市。

【解析】先行词为city, 表地点,where在定语从句中作地点状语。

★ I’m going tovisit the city that/which has many places of interest. 我打算去参观有许多名胜的城市。

【解析】先行词为city, 在定语从句中缺主语,故用that或which.

(3) 关系副词why的基本用法

关系副词why通常用于修饰名词reason(理由,原因),在句中用作原因状语,意义上相当于for which. 如:

★ This is the reason why (=for which) Iam leaving tomorrow. 这就是我明天离开的原因。

【解析】先行词是the reason,故用why.


(六) 知识概要 ?

定语从句并不属于中考范围,但由于作者在多年的教学中体会到,这一语法现象影响了许多学生自学英语。这些学生一般是成绩较好的学生,想进行大量阅读来提高自己的英语水平,但总是碰到一些问题,百思不得其解。苦于自己的水平只限于初中水平,无法提高,但各种补习班又都是为一些水平较差的学生开设的,所以又投师无门。为了解决这部分学生的学习困难,也为那些有志青年铺平学习上的道路,特用这一节讲述定语从句,不是从语法上讲述,而是从阅读理解方面去讲述。可供同学们在学习时参考。这会对你的英语学习起到事半功倍的作用。?对于形容词我们已十分熟悉了,如: a good book, 形容词 good 用来修饰书 book。 我们也可以用一个句子来修饰名词,这种句子叫做形容词性从句,它起修饰名词的作用,又被叫做定语从句(The attributive clause)。但有一点不同的是这个从句不是像形容词那样放于名词前,而是放在名词之后。它所修饰的名词又被叫作先行词,如: Do you know the scientist who gave us the talk this afternoon? 这句中的主句是 Do you know the scientist? (你知道那位科学家吗?)而 who gave us the talk this afternoon (他今天下午给我们作的报告。)是定语从句。所以这两句话合为一体即是:你认识今天下午给我们作报告的那位科学家吗?这里 scientist 叫作先行词,而 who 叫作定语从句的引导词。 who 在定语从句中起主语的作用, who 的数与它的先行词相同。又如: You must do everything that I do? 这里先行词是 everything, 而 that I do 是定语从句,此句应译为:你必须作我所作的一切。 that 叫作定语从句的引导词,在句中作 do 的宾语。?引导定语从句的引导词有关系代词: that, which, who, whom, whose 和关系副词 when, where, why, how。不论关系代词还是关系副词,都应放于先行词和定语从句之间,起联系作用,但它们都要在定语从句中起语法作用,充当一个成份。如关系代词在定语从句中不是作主语便是作宾语,而关系副词则是作状语。我们先来看关系代词的用法。① that 的先行词可以是人也可以是物。如: A plane is a machine that can fly? 这里先行词是 machine 而 that 是关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。这句译为:飞机是一种会飞的机器。又如: I like the book (that) you lent me yesterday? 这里先行词是 book, 关系代词用 that, 它在定语从句中作 lend (借)的宾语。要注意的是关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时可以省略,即: I like the book you lent me yesterday?② which 关系代词的先行词只能是物。它在定语从句中作主语或宾语,如: The book shop is a shop which sells books? 这里 shop 是先行词, which 在从句中作主语。又如: The book (which) I read last night was wonderful? 这里主句是 The book was wonderful? 而定语从句是修饰主句的主语 book, 即我昨晚读的那本书,which 在定语从句中作 read 的宾语,可以省略。?③ who, whom, whose? who 在定语从句中作主语, whom 是 who 的宾格,在定语从句中作宾语,而 whose 则是形容词性物主代词,在从句中作定语,如:The man who visited our school yesterday is an American friend? 昨天参观我们学校的人是一位美国朋友。 Who 在定语从句中作主语。又如: Who's that woman (whom) you just talked to ? 你刚才与之谈话的那个女人是谁?而 whom 作定语从句中介词 to 的宾语,可以省略,而在现代英语中,句首的 whom 也常常可用 who代替。?This is our classmate, Mary, whose home is not far from our school? 这是我们的同学玛丽,她的家离我们学校不远。?为了便于理解,我们来看看是如何将两句话并为一句话的。?

1.  I saw the man.? He closed the door??

I saw the man who (that) closed the door?

2.  The girl is happy? She won the race??

The girl who won the race is happy?

3.  The students are from China? They sit in the front row??

The students who sit in the front row are from China?

(要注意的是先行词是 students 则 who 的数也应看作复数。)?

4.  We are studying sentences? They contain adjective dause??

We are studying sentences that (which) contain adjective dause? ?

5.  The taxi driver was friendly? He took me to the airport??

The taxi driver who took me to the airport was friendly? ?

6.  The book was good? I read it??

The book that I read was good??

The book I read was good? ?

7.  The people were very nice? We visited them yesterday??

The people we visited yesterday were very nice?

8.  The man called the police? His wallet was stolen??

The man whose wallet was stolen called the police?

9.  I come from a country? Its history goes back thousands of years??

I come from a country whose history goes back thousands of years?

10.  I have to call the man? I picked up his umbrella after the meeting??

I have to call the man whose umbrella I picked up after the meeting?

关系代词 whom, which 在定语从句中作介词宾语时,可以和介词一起放于先行词与定语从句之间,有时为了关系紧凑也可以将 whom 与 which 与先行词紧挨着书写,而将介词置于定语从句的后面,如:

That was the room in which we had lived for ten years? 或可以写作:

That was the room which we had lived in for ten years??

He was the man whom(who) you were looking for? 要注意的是此句的关系代词 whom 可以用主格取代,而 look for 是短语动词也不可将 for 放于定语从句之前。that 作关系代词作介词宾语时,不能紧跟介词,而只能将介词置于定语从句的后面。如: The man that we were talking about has come to our school? 这时不可用 about that … 请看下面例句:?

1.  The meeting was interesting? I went to it??

The meeting that I went to was interesting? ?

2.  The man was very kind? I talked to him yesterday??

The man who I talked to yesterday was very kind?

3.  I must thank the people? I got a present from him??

I must thank the people who I got a present from?

4.  The picture was beautiful? She was looking at it??

The picture that (which) she was looking at was beautiful?

5.  The man is standing over there? I told you about him??

The man who I told you about is standing over there?


除关系代词外,还有关系副词, when, where, why, 其中 when用来指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。如: I never forget the day when I first came to the Great Wall? 而 where 则指地点,如: This is the house where the old man lives? 请看下面例句:

1.  The city was beautiful? We spent our vacation there??

The city where we spent our vacation was beautiful?


2.  That is the restaurant? I will meet you there??

That is the restaurant where I will meet you?


3.  The town is small? I grew up there??

The town where I grew up is small?


4.  That is the drawer? I keep my newpapers there??

That is the drawer where I keep my newspapers?


5.  Monday is the day? We will come then??

Monday is the day? When we will came?


6.  7∶05 is the time My plane arrives then??

7∶05 is the time when my plane arrives?


7.  1960 is the year? The revolution took place then??

1960 is the year when the revolution took place?


8.  July is the month? The weather is usually the hottest then??

July is the month when the weather is usually the hottest? ?


① 限制性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,如果去掉的话,主句的意思就不完整,意义就表述不明。这种句型一般定语从句紧接先行词,如:?I was the only person in my office who was invited??

② 非限制性定语从句。它与主句的关系不十分密切,只是对其附加说明,也就是讲即便去掉定语从句,句意也不受影响,仍然清晰明了。这样的定语从句要在它和主句之间加一逗号分开。且关系代词不引导这种非限制性定语从句,如: Abraham Lincoln, who led the United States through these years, was shot on April 14, 1865 at a theatre in washington? D. C. 又如:Galileo lived in the city of Pisa, where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high???


(七) 正误辨析 ?

[误] I won't tell you the name of the person who teach me English? ?

[正] I won't tell you the name of the person who teaches me English? ?

[析] 在定语从句中,关系代词作主语时,从它本身看不出其数的形式,这时要由它的先行词决定。这里who 应由 the person 单数决定,应该用单数谓语动词。又如:I who am a student? want to find a spare time job?这里的 who 应与 I 是一致的,所以其谓语动词应该用am。? 

[误] We talked about the things and the people who we met during the Second World War? ?

[正] We talked about the things and the people that we met during the Second World War? ?

[析] 这里的关系代词不要用 who, 因为其先行词有两个一个是 things (物),而另一个是people (人),这时既不可用 who, 又不可用 which, 因前者只能用于先行词是人的情况下,而后者则用于先行词是物的情况下,所以只能用 that, 因为它的先行词既可以是人又可以是物。?

[误] The book, that I bought yesterday, was very good?

[正] The book, which I bought yesterday, was very good? ?

[析] 先行词与定语从句被逗号分割开来时,即作为非限制性定语从句。在非限制性定语从句中which, when, who, whom, where, when, whose 等都可以和限制性定语从句中的作用一样,而独有 that 不易用于非限制性定语从句。?

[误] The dictionary which I lent it yesterday is a very useful tool? ?

[正] The dictionary which I lent yesterday is a very useful tool? ?

[析] 关系代词在定语从句中是要起语法作用的,它不是作主语就是作宾语。虽然在作宾语时它的位置由原来的宾语位置移到了句首,但它的作用依然存在,而且在原宾语位置上不能再出现宾语。?

[误] The teacher I want to learn English from is the one which comes from America

[正] The teacher I want to learn English from is the one who comes from America

[析] the one, anyone, those 作代词并且是指某人、物时,其关系代词不能用 which 应用 who。?

[误] This is the room in that the old man lives? ?

[正] This is the room in which the old man lives? ?

[正] This is the room which the old man lives in? ?

[正] This is the room that the old man lives in? ?

[析] that 不能紧跟在介词后作介词宾语,但如果介词不前置仍放于句尾,则可用 that 作引导词,而且可以省略。如: This is the room the old man lives in??

[误] I can do everything which is good for you? ?

[正] I can do everything that is good for you? ?

[析] 在先行词是 all, much, little, something, everything, anything, nothing, none, the one 等不定代词时,虽然它们指的是物体,但不要用 which 而用 that 作定语从句的引导词。?

[误] The only thing which the students can do is studying hard? ?

[正] The only thing that the students can do is studying hard? ?

[析] 在先行词前有 only, any, few, little, no, all, one of 等词修饰时,虽然先行词指的是物,也不要用 which 作关系代词,而要用 that。?

[误] This is the first American film which I've ever seen? ?

[正] This is the first American film that I've ever seen? ?

[析] 在先行词是序数词,或由序数词修饰时,其关系代词不可用 which? 这样的用法还有在形容词最高级修饰的先行词之后,如: This is the best book that I have ever seen

[误] He is from Africa, that we can see from the colour of the skin? ?

[正] He is from Africa, as we can see from the colour of the skin? ?

[析] 当 as 或 which 引导非限制性定语从句时,它可能没有明确的先行词,它们所指代的是前面整个句子。如例题应译为他是从非洲来这个事情是可以从其肤色上看出的。? 

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